
As with any major compilation of research materials and data, this work would not have been possible without the support of our artistic community. Heartfelt thank yous and credit must be given to the following individuals for providing valuable materials, insight, assistance, and ongoing support of our research over the years. Additional sources can be found in exhibition catalogues, bibliographical references, and correspondence noted in the main catalogue text pages, artwork entries, and bibliography sections. 

Francis’s circle of family and friends including authors, gallery dealers, curators, museum directors and registrars, studio assistants, as well as the current Sam Francis Foundation board and staff members, have generously collaborated and supported all research efforts. Institutions and galleries are listed generally by name and when possible we have also recognized some of the individuals at these facilities (some are part of Francis's early history while others are active today). Gallery and institutional recognition over the decades can be found in the specific catalogue entries for each artwork. Thousands of individuals over the years have graciously helped in the research so we are unable to list everyone, so please know we truly value all the support and interest in this documentation process.

Recognition must also be given to the collectors of Francis’s works as this important group of supporters encompasses a worldwide list of individuals and institutions who have been and continue to be the caretakers of his oeuvre. There are many collectors who wish to remain anonymous (listed as Private Collection in the painting entries), so we offer our sincerest gratitude for your involvement in our ongoing research.

The artist's family and the foundation's board of directors have provided ongoing support and encouragement over the years. We are deeply indebted to his widow Margaret Smith Francis, daughter Kayo Francis Malik (and family), sons Osamu Francis (and family), Shingo Francis (and family) and Augustus Francis.

Thank you to the family members who have assisted in our research including the George and Nancy Francis family, Vera Miller Francis Fulton, Muriel Goodwin, Teruko Yokoi, Mako Idemitsu, and Shuhei Kawase.

Individuals who have dedicated their time in pursuit of the Sam Francis Foundation's mission to honor and perpetuate Francis's legacy include trustees: Robert T. Buck, Paul Cummins, Loree Goffigon, Lenore S. Greenberg, Deborah Marrow, Nancy Mozur, Bruce Polichar, Lucille Polachek, John Seed, Elena Serrano, Jenkins Shannon, Donna Stein, Jessica Todd-Smith, and J. Patrick Whaley. 

In addition to the ongoing project development and financing of the Sam Francis Foundation, we gratefully acknowledge the generous major financial subvention and support of our continued research from Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam; the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles; Jonathan Novak Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Galerie Kornfeld, Bern; the University of California Press Foundation and UC Regents.

Benefactors who have also donated funds to aid in our research includes the Broad Foundation, Doris Fisher, Galerie Kornfeld, Lillian and Jon Lovelace, and Sotheby's. Additionally, the following patrons have made specific donations for these projects including William R. Acquavella, Harry W. and Mary Margaret Anderson Charitable Foundation, Roger L. Evans, Tom and Dalene Furst, James Goodman Gallery, Inc., Lenore S. and Bernard A. Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Greenberg, I.B. Ivanovic, Knapp Foundation, Galerier Krugier & Cie, Martin Lawrence Galleries, Laurence and Mary Levine, Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum and the Meulensteen Foundation, Robert Shapazian, Doris Sosin, the Judy and Bill Timken Endowment Fund in Contemporary Arts, Edward Tyler Nahem Fine Art, LLC, Frederick M. Nicholas, Aaron and Betty Lee Stern Foundation, Gallery Iris Wazzau, and Andy Williams. 

Our research team is very extensive as outlined below, but a few individuals who worked with us as interns or part-time staff gathering and inputting information to the database includes: Natalie Atiee, Claire Atiee, Leila Elliott, Maya Foo, Michelle Garcia, Carolyn Geoghegan, Jacqueline Geoghegan, Carter Goffigon, Helen Kuskin, Dominique Labaki, Amy McDonnell, Anakena Paddon, Allan Peach, Ted Ridgeway, Megan Salas, Emma Sarley, Amanda Sarley, Beth Silverman, Sofia Staab-Gulbenkian, and Stephanie Velazquez. Former studio assistants who continue to provide continuing assistance in our studies includes Jerry Aistrup, Dan Cytron, Bryan Ida, George Page, and Jerry Sohn. In addition, we would like to thank Nancy Escher for her years of involvement with our research and the conservator, Aneta Zebala and her team of Adam Romcio and Suzanne Morris, who continue to inspect and provide expertise on Francis's paintings on an ongoing basis. 

As subsequent installments of this catalogue raisonné project are published, the list of acknowledgments will continue to expand as we continually update this to include additional individuals in our research journey. We are indebted to and extremely appreciative of the following. 

With sincerest thanks–– Debra Burchett-Lere 

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Photo Credits


  ↑ top

Daniel Abadie

Naomi Abe

William Acquavella

Natalie Adamson

Antoinette Addison

Constance Aehlig

Erin Aitali

William C. Agee

Barbara Aikens

Zoe Ainscough

Jerry Aistrup

Albright-Knox Art Gallery

Katherine D. Alcauskas

Robert Aldridge

Richard Allen

Susan Allen


Mercedes Lámbrri Altamira

Margaret Andara

David Anderson

Don Anderson

Elaine Anderson

Mary Margaret (Moo) and Harry W. (Hunk) Anderson

Reed Anderson

Margaret Andera

David Anfam

Haruo Aoki

Yasuhiko Aoki

Harriet Appel

Charles Arnoldi

Andrew Arnot


Abigail Asher

Dore Ashton

B   ↑ top

Jacqueline Baas

Sophia Baca

Martha Baer

Wendy Hurlock Baker

Gayle Baddin

Ursina Barandun

Rachel Barker

Lucinda Barnes

Kathleen S. Bartels

Lowell Bassett

Sonia Baudouin

Christian Baur

Beaulieu Family

Snowden Becker

Christopher Bedford

Katharina Bell

Larry Bell

John Bennett

Melinda and William Bentz

Berkeley Art Museum

Charlotte Bernstorm

Ernest Beyeler

Serop and Arsho Beylerian

Brittany Binder



Bernhard Bischoff

Teresa Bjornson

Lisa Blayfer

Nancy Boas

Marlies Bolhoven


Jean-Marie Bonnet

Marisa Bourgoin

John Boyer

Theresa and Krauth Brand

Sue Breakell

Karin Breuer

Judy and Bernard Briskin

Edythe and Eli Broad

Judith Brodie

Edith Bauman and Jack Brogan

Nicolas Brulhart

Bente and Gerald E. Buck

Nicole and Robert T. Buck

Elizabeth Buhe

Barbara Burchett

Heike Pausch Burchett and Charles R. Burchett 

Jan Butterfield

C   ↑ top

Lisa Calden

Aimee Calfin

Cindy and Tony Canzoneri

Amy Cappellazzo

David Carlson

Jeffrey Carlson

Julie Carpenter

Lindy and Steve Carter

Susan Cary

John Caswell

Nicolaus Chaffin

Mary Weaver Chapin

JPMorgan Chase Bank

Eric de Chassey

Lora Chin-Derrien

Alexis Chompaisal



Haley Cohen

Marina Ruiz Colomer

James Concha

Richard Conn

Bruce Connor

James Corcoran

Boris Cornelissen

Genevieve Cottraux

Douglas Chrismas

Julie Creahan

Anthony Crouch

Jessica Csanky

Paul Cummins

Alexis Curry

Helga and Roy Curry

Emily Cushman

Daniel Cytron

D    ↑ top

Kari Dahlgren

Michael Darling

Sheila DeBrunner

Catherine Defeyt

Kari Dahlgren

Nina Damavandi

Reid Dammann

Andra Darlington

Collection Dal Pio

Nina Dausset

Suzanne Deal and David Booth

Catherine Defeyt

Nico and Carlotta Delaive


Anitra Delmas

Diane DePolignac

Lora Chin Derrien

Wim DeWit

Laddie Dill

Katherine and Kenneth Doctor 

Denise Domergue

Hisao Domoto

John Van Doren

Nicholas Dorman

Bianca Duclert

Claude Duthuit

Claire Drummond

Meredith Van Dyke

E    ↑ top

Diane Eakin

Patricia Eckert

Jean Edmonson

Susan Einstein

Dorothea Elkon

Wendy Elliott


Leila Elliott

André Emmerich (gallery and family)

Caroline Enghoff

Nancy Escher

Roger Evans

F   ↑ top

Andrew Fabricant

Jens Faurschou and Galleri Faurschou 

Rachael Faust

Rachel Federman

Paola Saracino Fendi

Sidney Felsen and Gemini G.E.L.

Les Ferriss

Renee Fessel

Franck Le Feuvre

Adrienne R. Fields

Michael Findlay

Donald and Doris Fisher

Johanna Flaum

Laura Fleischmann

Courtney Flynn

Caitlin Foreht

Brian Forrest

Jean Fournier and Galerie Jean Fournier staff

Howard N. Fox


Augustus Francis

Margaret Smith Francis and family

Nancy and George Francis and family

Osamu Francis and family

Shingo Francis and family

Katie and Steve Francis 

Peter Frank

Gilda Franz

Betty Freeman

Antoinette Frey-Simmen

Sara Friedlander

Lisa Friedman

Noriko Fujinami

Vera Miller Francis Fulton

Darlene and Tom Furst

Minami Fuse

G   ↑ top

Larry Gagosian

Jay Gam

Vicky Gambill

Nancy Genn

Carolyn Geoghegan

Jacqueline Geoghegan

René Gimpel

Andrew Glew

Cynthia Godlewski

Carter Goffigon

Loree Goffigon

Ann Goldstein

Foster Goldstrom

Brett Gollin

Pat Gollin

Ann Gonzalez

Hollis Goodall

Joe Goode

James Goodman


Muriel Goodwin

Liana Gorman

Brett Gorvy

Loic Gouzer

Wendy K. Grady

Paul Gray

Robert Green

Lenore S. and Bernard Greenberg

Ronald Greenberg

Bobbie Greenfield

Christopher Griffin

Elyse and Stanley Grinstein and family

Uta Grosenick

Brian Gross

Markus Gross

Sharon and Irwin Grossman

Barbara Guggenheim

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

David Gutterman and family

Jordan Gutterman and family

H   ↑ top

Lucas Haberkorn

Carol Haerer

Nina Hagen

Anita Haldemann

Jackie Haliday

Angela Hanka

Jonas Hanggi

Emma Hart

Kevin Hearle

Susanna Hedblom

Miety Heiden

Sue Heinemann

Al Held

Mara Held

Maira Hernández-Andrade

Joanne Heyler

Abigail Hibbs

Janet Hicks

Thomas Hillebrand

Yiva Hillström


Richard Hines

Hannah Hirano

Jack Hirshman

Florence Ho

Kylie Hoffman

Linda Hooper

Henry Hopkins

Dennis Hopper

Walter Hopps

Grace Horton

Motoko Hoshi

Loretta Howard

Eliza Howe

Jane Howe

Kristin and Otto Hubner

Lucius Hudson

Nicole Hudson

Felix Hultén

Pontus Hultén

Madeline Hurst 

Jane Hyun

I   ↑ top

Toshi Ichiyanagi

Bryan Ida

Peter Iden

Idemitsu Museum

Mako Idemitsu and family

Ayako Inatsu

Hiroko Inazuka

Jerry Inglis family


Eva Ionnidis

Jimmy Isenson

Masaru Ishiura

Vera Isler-Leiner

Masako Isobe

Arata Isozaki

I.B. Ivanovic

J   ↑ top

Bernard Jacobson

Jesse Jacobson

Emma Jacobson-Sive

Shirley Jaffe

Rachel Jans

Elvira Jansen


Larry Janss

Robert Flynn Johnson

Anna Jim

Leslie Jones

Lial A. Jones

Alice Jung

K   ↑ top

Alex and Jane Kahan

Emily Kaplan

Tadayuki Kasashima

Hiromi Katayama

Kanna and Cho Kawai

Shuhei Kawase

Lilly Keller

Cheri Fulton Kenville

Lynn Kienholz

Stephanie Kingpetcharat

Meredith Kirk

Paula, Peter, and Stefan Kirkeby family 

Tom Kirsch 


Deborah Kirshman

Keith Kirts

Liza Kirwin

Alexis Klein

Zoe Klemme

Katherine Kline

Betsy and Robert Knapp

Chiaki Komuro

Galerie Kornfeld staff

Eberhard Kornfeld and family

Richard S. Koshalek

Hitoshi Kubo

Ulf Küster

Sanghae Kwon

Jan Krugier

L   ↑ top

Dominique Labaki

Jonathan Laib

Helen Lanier

Elisabeth Maréchaux Laurentin

Natalia Lauricella

Thomas J. Learner and Getty GCI scientists and conservators

Joe Leduc

Lynn Lee

Franc LeFeuvre

Leah Lehmbeck

Connie Lembark

Jason Linetzky

Mark, Spencer, and Carson Lere


Walker and Claire Lere

Alfred Leslie

Mary and Laurence Levine

Marley Lewis

Joe Lin-Hill

Melissa and Gary Lipton

Steven Little

Los Angeles Packing, Crating, and Transport team

Irene Lotspeich-Phillips

Shannon and Peter Loughrey

Lillian and Jon Lovelace

Saralyn Lowenstein

Chloe Lundgren

M   ↑ top

Nina MaGilligan

Kayo Francis Malik

Deborah Marrow

Fred Martin

Atalanti Martinou

Andrew Massad

Marie-Christine Maufus

Barbara Mathes

Georges Matisse

Simon Matthews

Alberta Mayo

Peter Mays

Joy Mazurek

Jean MacDougall

Sally McKay

Ann McCoy

Destiny McCune

Amy McDonnell

James McGrath

Anna McKnight

Deborah McLeod

Catharina Manchanda

Harutaka Matsumoto

Virginia Mecklenburg

Menil Collection

Carrie Menke


Gerard Meulensteen and family

Maria Fernanda Meza

Hazelle Miloradovitch

Pam Miller

Richard Miller

Milwaukee Art Museum

Yusuke Minami

Nancy Mock

Arthur Monroe

Takashi Morishita

Saiko Morita

Midori Moriyama

Laura Morris

Suzanne Morris

Ed Moses

Moira Mosley-Duffy

Nancy Mozur

Allison Mudditt

Michaela Muhmenthaler

Luchita Hurtado Mullican

Richelle Munkhoff

Takashi Murakami

Eri Muroi

Michael Murray

Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

Martina Mutti

N   ↑ top

Tom Nagaser

Edward Tyler Nahem

Masato Naito

Kozo Nakajima

Tanja Naar

Emily Schuchardt Navratil

Meibao D. Nee

Taro Nettleton


Giselle Neumann

Sara and Steve Newman

Frederick M. Nicholas and family

Anthony Nicholas and family

Michiel Nijhoff

Robbie Nock

Gerald Nordland

Jonathan Novak and Novak Contemporary Art gallery staff

Sonia Nussbaumer

O   ↑ top

Oakland Museum of Art

Ben Ocon

Sadao Ogawa

Sandra Olsen

Gordon Onslow-Ford


Beatriz Ordovas

Nicholas Ostness

Emilie Ovaere-Corthay

P   ↑ top

Anakena Paddon

George and Ann Page

Liga Pang

Erica Pastore

Ian Patrick

Laura Paulson

Alan Peach

Jeffrey Perkins

Ben Peters

Alan Phenix


Guy Pieters


Roxana Pirovano

Lucille R. Polachek

Bruce Polichar

Diane de Polignac

Evelyne Pomey

Mary-Ellen Powell

Marla Prather

Claire Preston

Saara Pritchard


Q   ↑ top
 Suzanne Quigley    
R   ↑ top

Lea Raffl

Elodie Rahard

Patsy Rahn

Ashley Rawlings

Wendy Wick Reaves

Astrid de Rendinger

Marcia Reed (and Getty Research Institute team)

Alison Reilly

Maria Reinshagen

Thomas Reinshagen

Carlo Repetto

Jock Reynolds

Ted Ridgeway

Alana Ricca

Kay Richards

Yseult Riopelle


Rachel Rivenc

Brady Roberts

Jaime Robles

Leslee and David Rogath

Jennifer Rohr

Adam Romcio

Barbara Rominski

Susan Rossen

Charlie Rossow

Odile Rousseau

Rose-Emily Rothenberg

David Rozelle

Don Rubin

Edward Ruscha

Samuel Ruth

Jack Rutberg

S   ↑ top

Leslie Sacks 

Jacob Samuel

Megan Salas

Etienne Sallon

Karen Saracino

Amanda Sarley

Emma Sarley

Marin Sarvé-Tarr

Laura Satersmoen

Robert Scalise

Linda Schaffer

Nicole Schloss

Eric Schmidt

Pierre Schneider

Emith Guth Schlemmer

Soren Schmelling

John Seed 

Carole Schemmerling-Selz

Gabrielle Selz

Peter Selz

Elena Serrano

Hsu-Han X Shang

Jenkins Shannon

Robert Shapazian

Rachel Shelton

Roger Shepherd

Susannah Shepherd

Francesca Coe Sherrill

Douglas Shields


Scott A. Shields

Paul Schimmel

Misa Shin

Urs Siegenthaler Fotograf

Cherie and Edwin Silver

Beth and David Silverman

Jackie and Manny Silverman

Jennifer Jones Simon

Tom Sirikulbut

Elisabeth Smith

Brianna Smyk

Jerry Sohn

Doris Sosin

Martin Sosin

Richard Speer

Billie and Dean Spille

Jack Stauffacher

Christine Stauffer

Donna Stein

Joanna Steingold

Betty Lee and Aaron Stern

Jill Sterrett

Jeremy Stone

Iris and Matthew Strauss

Jennifer Sudul-Edwards

Kishio Suga

Hideki Sugino

Karin Sutter

Katsuo Suzuki

T   ↑ top

Joy Tahan

Yuri Takase

Chikako Tanabe

Ann Temkin

Carina and Bruno Thallmann

Elizabeth Thomas

Rosalyn and Robert Thomas

Beatrice Thönen

Lia Tjandra

Jennifer Tobias

Jessica Todd-Smith


Carol Togneri

Patsy Tompkins

Peggy Tran-Le

Morgann Trumbull

Karin Tucker

Garner Tullis

Richard Tullis

James Turrell

Sasha Tuulos

Xiliary Twill

U   ↑ top

Lee Ufan

Diane Upright

V   ↑ top

Sandra Valente

John Van Doren

Samuel Vanhoegaerden

Stephanie Velasquez

Quirine Verlinde 


Jan Verschoor

Britta Vetter

Robrecht De Vocht

Jennifer Volland

W   ↑ top

Jacqueline Wachter

Joel Wachs

Tsunehiko Wada

Carolyn Wade

Elizabeth Wade

Suzanne and George Wagner

Nina Wagner

Ted Walbye

Marc Walker

Susie Wallace

John Walsh

Denise Wamaling

Dorsey Waxter

Iris Wazzau

Sidney Weinstein

Bille Mille Weisman

Andrea Wells

Bjorn Wetterling


J. Patrick Whaley

Barrett White

Janelle White

Jennifer Knox White

Lois White

Mark Whitney

Beth Ann Whittaker and family

Rosanna Widen

Kathryn Widing

Andy Williams

Gloria Williams

Senon, Cypress and Sabine Williams and family

Chris Wilson and Brooke Abercrombie

Bert Winther-Tamaki

Lynne Withey

Emily Woodward

Valerie Wright

X   ↑ top
Christian Xatrec    
Y   ↑ top

Hiromasa Yagi

Risako Yamada

Hirokazu Yatsunami

John Yau

James Yohe


Teruko Yokoi

Midori Yomiuri

Sayaka Yoneyama

Kent Young

Jennifer Yum

Z   ↑ top

Michael Zakian

Aneta Zebala and family



Photo Credits

Unless otherwise noted on individual entries, photography is courtesy the current collection. The majority of images reproduced are housed in the artist’s archives. All artworks documented at one time within the artist’s estate have been predominantly photographed by Brian Forrest, Santa Monica. If an artwork was photographed or supplied by an institution, the photo credit is noted on that particular entry.

Additional photographer credits:

Richard Allen, Inverness, California


Christie's, Ltd.

Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam

Lenny Eiger, California

Susan Einstein, Los Angeles

Jon Etter

Rick Gehrke, Oregon

Carlos Guzman

Hesse Photography, Bern

Mitro Hood

Jacqueline Hyde, Paris

Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Japan

Hank Kanzler, Palo Alto

Klink Fotograf BR, Zurich

Galerie Kornfeld, Bern

Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf, Germany

Laurent Lecat, Paris

Guy L'Heureux

MBA Auctions, Seattle

Joan Mitchell Foundation

Photo André Morain, Paris

Douglas M. Parker Studio, Los Angeles

Allen Peach, Los Angeles

Tom Powel Imaging, Inc.

Prudence Cuming Associates, London

Galerie Pudelko, Germany

F. Rosenstiel

Urs Siegenthaler Fotograf

Douglas Shields


Jordan Tinker, New York

Rodney Todd-White & Son, London

Alessandro Vasari, Italy

Albert Winkler, Bern

Zillah Stix LLC, San Francisco, California